
Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop 2022

A Sustainable Conference

At Vasculitis and ANCA 2022 we aim to organise a ‘green’ event designed, organised and implemented in a way that minimises potential negative impacts and leaves a beneficial legacy for the host community and all involved.

At Vasculitis and ANCA 2022 we will do the following

Water Stations

Provide water stations for filling reusable water bottles

Digital Programme

A conference app or digital programme in lieu of printed brochures. A single page recyclable leaflet with programme may be provided for those unable to access details on their phone

Sustainable Food

Our caterers to use local suppliers preferentially, and transition to predominantly vegetarian food

Reduce Plastic

No single use cutlery, plastic bottles, plastic cups or paper plate

reduce food waste

To avoid food waste, leftover food will be donated to local homeless charities where possible


Sharing environmental awareness

reusable lanyards

Lanyards/name tags will be collected for re-use in future events at the end of the conference

Public transport

Encourage participants to reduce carbon footprint by taking public transport to this event and bring a reusable water bottle & coffee cup









Supporting Organisations